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Understanding the trends that are pushing the web forward in the areas of performance, security, publishing, and more.

May 27, 2020

(December 12, 2018)

Rick and Minhaz (Google Data Studio) discuss the challenges of visualizing data at scale and how to use Google Data Studio to connect, visualize, and share big data on the web.

Data Studio → 

CrUX Dashboard → 

World Cup Dashboard →

May 27, 2020

(January 2, 2019)

Rick and Nektarios (Chrome) talk about making the web more accessible for people with disabilities. Learn about the importance of accessibility and how you can make use of the latest web standards and tools to help make the web more accessible.


WCAG 2.1 →

May 20, 2020

(November 14, 2018)

Rick speaks with Addy and Katie from the Chrome team about predictive fetching, a web performance technique that takes the guesswork out of resource loading. 

Resource Hints spec. → 

Resource hints usage on HTTP Archive → 

Google Analytics Reporting...

May 20, 2020

(November 28, 2018)

Rick and Tom talk about the state of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): what they are, how to build them, and how they're changing the web landscape.

PWA Report on HTTP Archive → 

May 13, 2020

(October 18, 2018)

Rick and Addy (Engineering Manager, Google Chrome) talk JavaScript, as it is today and how it’s changed over the years.

Code splitting → 

Tree shaking → 

Webpack bundle analyzer → 

Source map explorer →